
Join the ‘Mouse Genetics and Genomic Medicine’ Conference free of charge

17. 09. 2021 Uncategorized

The ‘Mouse Genetics and Genomic Medicine’ is a virtual conference organised by the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium – IMPC ( to celebrate the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the IMPC. The conference is hosted virtually on 23-24 September 2021 Registration is free for all participants. For more informatio visit the conference…

Covid-19 mouse models available at CCP

02. 09. 2021 News Service

Ace2 knock-out model A number of promising COVID-19 therapies is focused on targeting the Ace2 receptor. Thus, it is desired to evaluate: the potential of Ace2 blocking to prevent viral entry into the cells unwanted off-target effects caused by Ace2 deficiency. Ace2 deficient mutant mice provide an excellent tool for these types of experiments. Tmprss2…

PATHBIO Mouse Imaging Master Class

25. 08. 2021 Course Event

27 September – 5 October 2021 The third PATHBIO course on Mouse Imaging, will be organized by PHENOMIN-ICS (PHENOMIN- Institut Clinique de la Souris) as virtual classes. The aim is to provide Master’s students, PhD and postdoc students with basic and expert knowledge to phenotype morphologically mouse models of human diseases. At this course, expert…

Register for CCP Conference 2021 now

20. 08. 2021 News

Virtual, 16 – 17 September 2021 / Participation free of charge for all registered participants. Immunology & Infection Disease models Neurosciences Preclinical development KEYNOTE LECTURES Steve Brown, MRC Harwell Institute, United Kingdom – “Illuminating the dark genome: genome-wide approaches for understanding the genetic basis of disease” Yann Herault, Institut de Génétique et de Biologie Moléculaire…

UPDATE: New jobs available in the CCP

17. 08. 2021 Jobs News

Looking for an adventure of finding new phenotypes and good perspective for personal development? CCP welcomes applications for the following open positions: MALDI imaging researcher assistant / lab technician Research Specialist / Technical Specialist in Immunology Unit Head for Lung and Cardiovascular phenotyping For more detail about the positions please check our Career page

Taipei Economic and Cultural Office visited CCP

20. 07. 2021 News PR

CCP introduced its research and services to the representatives of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Prague on 19th July 2021. We discussed the possible areas of collaboration with the research institutes and industry from Taiwan. We look forward to collaborate in the future.

Visit of Central Bohemian government to CCP

16. 07. 2021 Information PR

The Governor of the Central Bohemian Region Petra Pecková, Regional Council Member for the Environment Jana Skopalíková, and Regional Council Member for Health Pavel Pavlík visited the Czech Centre for Phenogenomics during their visit of BIOCEV, the joint research campus of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Charles University in Vestec near Prague, on 14th…

IMPC 10 Year Celebratory Conference

12. 07. 2021 Event

23 – 24 September 2021, virtual conference Registration is free for all participants. 2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the IMPC. Over the last 10 years the Consortium has produced resources, data, and new knowledge that have had a profound impact on biomedical science and its capacity to identify dark gene function, essential genes, sexual…

New ESFRI Health & Food infrastructures announced

07. 07. 2021 Information News

The ESFRI announced the new three research infrastructures in the Health and Food domain to be included in the new ESFRI Roadmap 2021: EBRAINS (European Brain Research Infrastructures) is a distributed digital infrastructure at the interface of neuroscience, computing and technology, offering scientists and developers advanced tools and services for brain research. EIRENE (Research Infrastructure…

CCP provides services under Infrafrontier COVID-19 Open Call

19. 05. 2021 Call Service

In December 2020, Infrafrontier launched an attractive free-of-charge service for the biomedical research community fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic. The Infrafrontier call turned out to be the most successful open call of the consortium so far. 21 scientific institutions from eight countries applied to be one of the five research projects that an INFRAFRONTIER expert…