Models of Infectious Diseases (BSL-3)

Unit of Models of Infectious Diseases is equipped for advanced research and testing of human pathogens. The laboratory is operated in a BSL-3 regime to ensure the highest level of safety for our team and the community. The BSL-3 barrier has a capacity of over 1,000 cages, making it one of the largest facilities of its kind in the Czech Republic. More info
Laboratory technician:

We specialize in researching a range of human pathogens, with a particular focus on SARS-CoV-2 and Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), among others. The facility is designed for long-term experiments and preclinical testing of antivirals, as well as efficacy studies and testing of other drugs against human pathogens. The BSL-3 lab is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and trained staff is committed to maintaining the highest standards of safety and research excellence. We look forward to working with partners in the community and beyond to advance our understanding of human pathogens and develop new treatments that will benefit us all.

Transferring in vitro drug screening against infectious pathogens into animal models is a crucial feature that significantly improves the scope of the research and projects. For this purpose, the unit of Models of Infectious Diseases offers a wide range of solutions for in vivo experimentation in the setting of a certified high biosafety level laboratory (BSL-3), including SARS-CoV-2 infections in acute and chronical phases. Standard models of sensitized mice, organ specific infections and different medical traits are available. The unit aims to develop specialized models and perform preclinical trials in a controlled settings, optimized to meet the requirements of requested tasks. In close collaboration with the user and other units, we are able to provide customizable services and offer complex solutions.

Standard services Sars-CoV-2 sensitized mouse models

We offer Sars-CoV-2 viral infections for in vivo experiments in mice of acute and chronic stages of the disease, up to 6 months. Tools for different administration techniques of therapeutic compounds are available in an established biosafety level 3 (BSL3) facility setting.

Sensitized mice models available:

  • AAV-hACE2
  • KI mACE2hACE2
  • Tg R26RhACE2

Cre driver mouse models suitable for organ specific infections:

  • R26-cre for whole organism
  • VIL-cre for intestine
  • MYH6-cre for heart
  • Nestin-cre for brain

Models bearing certain medical conditions, including:

  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Immunocompromised

Other customized models can be offered per request.

Custom services Introduction of new infectious diseases

Biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) facility allows to introduce required high-risk pathogens for in vivo experimentation. Administration and technical support are offered. Contact us for more information.

Custom services Surveillance and analysis of disease progression and treatment response

In cooperation with other modules we offer consultation with specialists and key services in a wide range of relevant areas, including:

  • Pre-clinical screening (pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and toxicity)
  • Biochemistry (range of metabolic and hematologic assays with a prospect of OMICS approaches)
  • Immunology (analysis of blood and immune panels, including tumor charactersiation)
  • Physiological and pathological studies (including cardiovascular, respiratory or neurobiological screens)
  • Histology (complete necropsy with morphological and immunohistochemical examination)

Unit of Models of Infectious Diseases  is being upgraded from the OP JAC project CZ.02.01.01/00/23_015/0008189 Upgrade of the large research infrastructure CCP III.